Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A rare occurence of late.

It is a rare occurrence when I have my husband home for the weekend. Typically he will work late on either Friday or Saturday, and lately both! Sad but true, a week ago Glenn came home from work at 4:30 AM! I am always such a paranoid wreck when he works hours like this. I always think the worst and start imagining him in car crashes because of sleep deprivation. (One time I even called the cops to check by his work when he wasn’t home by the time he promised – although that’s another story.) I hate this busy season at his work and I know he does too. This past weekend I had Glenn home all weekend! I honestly forgot that weekends used to be fun!

We took advantage of this rarity and went hiking with our friends Chris and Chan on Saturday. We are so grateful to have made some really good friends in NY. It is not uncommon lately for these two to just stop by unannounced just to say hi. That makes me feel like they are comfortable with us, and real friends, and I just love that! Chris is the hiker extraordinaire and goes every weekend, occasionally convincing his wife to tag along. Chris promised this would be an easy hike, so we packed up our Camelbaks with water and snacks, and our dogs even got to tag along. I was actually worried that Rocky and Lexi would get tired and we would have to carry them. A Chihuahua and a Maltese are small dogs so I thought their little legs would wear out. I was wrong. Rocky and Lexi kicked their Mama’s butt on this hike! These puppies provided so much amusement for us and I was so happy they came on the hike. What should have been my real concern is how out of shape I am! Just because I am a tiny person does not mean I am in shape. We hiked to the top of Black Rock Mountain. New York doesn’t have real mountains compared to California. So the fact this hike wore me out as much as it did was kind of pathetic. On the uphills my breathing was so shallow and came in sharp gasps. New goal for this summer: Hike more, so that I’m not such a wuss! On my behalf I never complained once and never asked to stop for breaks! This was a 4 ½ mile hike and we completed it in about 2 hours 45 min. We did stop along the way to take pictures, and enjoyed our snacks and the lovely view from the top. Remember me saying the amusement the dogs provided? So while we were at the top Rocky nearly leaped off the mountain! Glenn had two clementines sitting beside him and Rocky runs up to him in his excited way and accidentally knocks one of the clementines. We watch as it quickly rolls down the sloped rock and falls off the side of the mountain. Rocky waits a second and then starts running after it, then suddenly just stops probably thinking that jump was a little further than he would like. That was scare number two of the day from Rocky. Earlier along in the hike was a little lake. We stopped and Glenn threw the dogs in the water to cool off. Lexi loves to swim! Rocky on the other hand nearly drowned. He dog paddled his little heart out and wasn’t making any progress towards land. I was so worried and thought Glenn would have to jump in after him. He finally started making some progress alongside a stick we put in the water to help him back. I didn’t take my eyes off Rocky and later Glenn told me how intently focused Lexi was on watching Rocky. How sweet, she almost went and saved him herself. Like I said plenty of excitement bringing these puppies along. Even with the crazy moments I would definitely bring the dogs with us again.

This was a jam packed day. Even after our morning hike, we still had a million loads of laundry to take to the Laundromat (ok more like five, but we had to get it done), grocery shopping, test driving a car just for fun and ditching out on the sales pitch at the end, and dinner out at Chilis. It was a marvelous Saturday, and I was so happy to have Glenn home on the weekend to entertain me!

This picture needs a caption. Any suggestions?
Poor puppy is not a good swimmer.
Finally getting the hang of it.

The Lion King!
The reward: The amazing view from the top!


  1. I think after Rocky's horrible experience, he needs to come and live in California with me!

  2. Rocky just wants to experience life to the fullest!
