Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A dream.

This morning I woke up and remembered the entirety of my dream so vividly. For some reason I feel like this dream has some profound meaning and some lesson intertwined in it that I need to learn. Normally I can only recall vague details and partial pieces from my dreams. Maybe that’s why I feel so strongly about the importance of this one. So here it goes…

I had on a full bodysuit and was paddling out into the ocean on a surfboard. I wanted to learn how to surf and was missing one key component. I had no instructor, and yet this didn’t seem to bother me at all. I was completely alone in the water, not one single other surfer that I could glean advice from. I sat there in the water waiting and waiting for a wave to come and none ever did. Much deeper out into the water I saw a strong wave building and then crash way before it ever reached me. I debated whether or not I should paddle further into the ocean towards that spot. I didn’t feel safe moving from where I was, and decided to continue waiting for a wave to come to me. I glanced back towards the shore where there was a large crowd of spectators, all eyes on me. Glenn stood out and I watched him waving and cheering me on. And yet, I just sat there on my board, motionless. I started thinking about what I would do when a wave came. Would I be able to paddle quickly enough and stand up in time? Would I just get completely wiped out by the strength of the wave? Out of nowhere, I started seeing people on the water, that didn’t belong on the water. First, I saw a group of people skateboarding on the water right past me towards the shore. Then I saw a team of cross country runners, running on top of the water, also towards the shore. I tried to stop one of the runners and ask, “Where did you come from, How are you running on the water?” No one would stop for me and answer my questions. I sat there on my surfboard, contemplating how is what I saw even possible? I sat there on my board and waited…

I’m open to any assistance from my readers to help me interpret this dream. I shared my dream with Glenn this morning and he thought I needed to find out what that wave further out was. I want to know why having never surfed before, would I just casually try to teach myself. What were the strange skateboarders and runners doing on the water, was it just my head playing tricks on me? If I had slept longer would a wave eventually come? Explanations please! Oh and if you do comment please do so on this page and not the Facebook link. Thank you!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Girls Camp

A few months ago I was called to serve as the Stake Young Women’s Secretary in my church. To say that I felt inadequate would be quite the understatement. At only 23 years old, I was called to be a role model to young women ages 12-18. As flattered as I was by the call, I was truly terrified! In fact, I even wavered a couple weeks in and seriously thought about quitting. I was reassured by the counselor who extended the call, after another lengthy conversation with him about my concerns, that he had never felt the Spirit so strongly after meeting someone that they (meaning me) were the right person. No pressure right?!

Fast forward from my rocky start to just last week, and I finally felt like I was able to really get to know and serve the young women of the Newburgh, NY Stake. It had been six years since I last went to girl’s camp, and to be honest I never really thought I would go back. I wouldn’t exactly say I hated girl’s camp. I just never really looked forward to or enjoyed it. At least I tried right? So anyway, here I am ‘older and wiser’ at girls camp once again, and as a stake leader nonetheless. And you know what, I loved it! I can honestly say I would be willing to go up as a leader again and this time with less hesitation, but still just as much stuff ;-)

Unlike my years at camp staying in cabins with bunk-beds lacking a few or most springs, we were tent camping for the week. Tuesday was spent just setting up tents, attempting to start a fire with wet wood, and cooking our foil dinners. My favorite part of Tuesday was our ward devotional. West Point in the summer is a desolate place, and we only had two young women up at camp. However, we had plenty of West Point representatives come up for the week as leaders or just for a night. I loved bonding with these sweet girls over the week, and I hope they enjoyed their first year at camp. I’m not sure if I made any impact on these girls at all but I know they made an impact on me.

The next day was a three mile hike and I was responsible for driving up a carload of girls. I am directionally challenged and somehow ended up being the leader car. All was well until I missed a turn, had to u-turn, losing all the cars behind me, and going the wrong direction for quite a ways down the wrong road. We were driving along and we came across some random guy in a red truck. We rolled down the windows, stated we were lost, and he started to give directions. I think he could see my eyes glazing over and sense that this girl was never going to get where she was going so he kindly offered to drive and let us follow. After winding a ways down roads that were not on our directions I told the girls, either we will make it to our hike or we’re going to be thrown in a ditch somewhere down this road. Luckily, he was just a kind local who knew the back roads and we made it to our hike. And I just want to add that even after all that we weren’t the last car to arrive. Someone else drove to Connecticut, ha someone who is worse with directions than me!

The highlight of camp for me was Thursday. My husband and puppies got to come up to girl’s camp that afternoon! After only 2 ½ days I was already missing my man like crazy! Glenn built the most remarkable spirit walk, complete with great and spacious building, tree of life, mist of darkness, and iron rod. He always impresses me with his talents and creativity, and it was special to hear how this reenactment of Lehi’s Dream was such a testimony builder for these girls. By Thursday night I was exhausted and dirty and happy to jump in the car and head home with my family. I have some special camp memories from this week, and made some friends from my ward that I wished I had sooner. It was a lesson for me that sometimes other people are just as scared to open up and meet new people as I am. I am grateful that girl’s camp helped me to love and embrace my calling. I feel as if going to camp this year was the one reason I needed to be called then it was worthwhile.  

4/5 West Point girls. Poor Hannah was in one of the cars that got lost.

We all finished!

French braiding hair is how I make friends.

Happy to have my puppies with me at camp :-)