Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Baby GIRL!

Yesterday was the most amazing day!!! I woke up super early that morning and could not sleep because all I could think was baby, baby, baby. Waiting until 3:00 that afternoon was torturous. Glenn was so confident from the very beginning that this baby was a boy, and his insistence had me believing it was a boy too. Good thing he just wants to be a Daddy more than anything, because our baby is a girl! There was no question about it, baby girl was not shy and had her legs spread wide open! I was worried that Glenn might be a little disappointed because he was so sure, but of course he’s still thrilled. Just as long as our next baby is a boy ;-) The last time we got to see our baby I was 9 weeks along, and I was so impressed by the little tiny gummy bear in my stomach. Ten weeks later, at almost 19 weeks along made a huge difference. Baby girl was so active! I loved watching our baby do somersaults, roll over, and my favorite touching her toes to her forehead. I still have yet to feel any movements from baby girl. To watch her being a little gymnast inside me and knowing that everything is ok made me so relieved and happy. I was hoping if I could watch her move that maybe I would be able to feel something at the same time, but nope. She is weighing in at 9 ounces so hopefully real soon. During this ultrasound they did a full anatomy scan and baby is absolutely perfect in every way. I loved holding Glenn’s hand and watching in awe of our perfect baby girl for like thirty minutes. I could have seriously watched the movie playing of our baby girl moving around forever, it’s truly miraculous. We love this little girl so much already, and just can’t wait to meet the little princess!

Right now I am 18 weeks, 5 days pregnant! Throughout my entire pregnancy I have been feeling amazing, just extra tired. I have never been sick, I haven’t gained that much weight, and I have the tiniest bump ever! When I lifted up my shirt, even our ultrasound tech asked, where is your belly? It may sound silly but this appointment was so reassuring to me that I am right on track with my pregnancy, there is nothing to worry about, and I am right where I should be. I just need to keep appreciating how blessed and lucky I am to have such an easy and healthy pregnancy and that baby girl is being so nice to her Mama.
Nothing to hide.

Bending her knees and squishing her chin to her chest.

Toe to forehead touches. My flexible baby!