Wednesday, November 16, 2011

23rd Birthday!

Ok I am a little behind on my blogging. I turned 23 on November 1! I am a girl who LOVES her birthday! This is a day when everything is all about me and I get to be completely spoiled. What is not to love? This year was a little different though, I wasn’t really looking forward to my birthday. This was the first birthday that I was spending away from my family, and I was worried it wouldn’t carry that same special feeling. Glenn was determined not to let that happen. Glenn drove way out of the way, since we live in the middle of nowheresville, and made sure I had my traditional Starbucks breakfast. Then Glenn was able to get off work early, which made me a very happy girl. That boy works way too hard! I told Glenn that he didn’t have to get me a present. I know, strange. Like I said I just wasn’t feeling my birthday this year. Glenn completely ignored this and spoiled me anyway. Worried about my complete lack of a winter wardrobe Glenn got me the CUTEST purple wool coat. I loved it, and was happy he ignored my prior decision about no presents. Another fun part of living about 30 minutes from anything at all is that there are no chain restaurants. Therefore we have had lots of fun trying new places. I have seriously been craving some Mexican food, and we went to Haciendas for dinner. It was delicious and I was stuffed after my dinner and my flan! We have a Tuesday tradition that we started when we moved to New York with our friends the Sparrows. They let us come over to do laundry as long as we bring Settlers of Cataan. Deal! I was super sneaky and was the Cataan winner, perfect way to end a birthday. My 23rd birthday turned out to be pretty special after all. Mucho thanks to my sweet husband for knowing how to cheer up a sad birthday girl.


  1. I hope you don't get too good at Catan with all that practicing. I still want to be able to kick your butt when you come to visit!

  2. Ahhh. He sure is sweet. Good job Glen for knowing how to have a happy life. The saying is so true: "A happy wife is a happy life."
