Saturday, October 15, 2011

Want vs. Need

People love to share their stories of how when they were Newlyweds they were dirt broke and started out with nothing. And every story ends the same… “this was one of the most memorable and happy times of my life!” My parents have recounted stories to me about how they would recycle wrapping paper and sit on lawn chairs…in the house. Now it’s my turn to be at the blissfully wonderful stage of life where it’s ok not to have many material possessions because we’re in LOVE, and that’s all we need! I have learned that you don’t need a dishwasher, and that I am perfectly capable of doing dishes by hand. I have learned that you don’t need a microwave, which I always thought came with a house? I have learned that you don’t need kitchen cabinets. After two weeks of not having our kitchen fully unpacked I am a bit annoyed at this one! I have learned that you don’t need a couch, although after four months we finally have one!! I have learned that you don’t need a dresser. I have learned that you don’t even need a bed. I slept just fine on our lovely Aerobed for two weeks. This was all Glenn could take before he decided a real bed was a need. I have learned that you don’t need internet. Really how is a month away the earliest possible appointment? I have learned that you don’t need cable. The most difficult lesson for me is learning that you don’t need the convenience of having a washer and dryer in your house. I hate the Laundromat! Call me crazy but laundry used to be my favorite chore. I derive immense satisfaction from separating all my laundry just right, and then pulling that light, fluffy, fresh laundry out of the dryer. Glenn and I have gone to the Laundromat once and only once together, in fact Glenn has banned me from going to the Laundromat with him ever again. After tears that he doesn’t sort correctly and that Laundromats are germy I was banned! Now I’m perfectly content not going back and appreciate my sweet husband for doing all our laundry all the time, and he even brings it back folded! Like many before me I love this stage of my life. I love slowly but surely creating a home with my husband. I know that I will appreciate all these things more when we have worked for them together. Honestly the little things about marriage are my favorite! I love that Glenn is the last person I see at night and the first person I see in the morning. I love cooking dinner and sitting down to eat while sharing about our day. I love grocery shopping dates. I love going on walks with our dogs. I love picking out something new for our home that we choose together. I love cuddling! I love all the laughing! I love that we are still learning new things about one another. I love that I am blessed to share my life with my best friend! I am still learning to distinguish my wants and needs, and I will be thrilled when we get a washer and dryer, but I am content and happy with my life in the moment.


  1. One thing that's nice about the laundromat is that it doesn't take all day to do several loads of laundry. I always liked that part. I hated hauling it from my apartment and back though.

  2. Love this post Abbie! Our dish washer went out about 6 months ago. I haven't missed it a bit!

  3. This is a hard thing to learn. I lived in many many apartments with out dishwashers. I have learned that a need is gloves to do the dishes so your hands don't get dried out. Msg me your address and I'll send you some real cute ones that are long so the water doesn't creep in.

    For years we lived with dial up. The only reason we got high speed was due to his work.

    We also lived with out cable for many years. It was an expense we didn't want to have.

    You will always retell those stories of those first years and will roll over laughing. We still do. We did some crazy stuff back then to acquire all we had. Between garage sales, free stuff off craigslist and picking stuff off the side of the road during big garbage day.

    And we did sleep on an air mattress for many months. And not the double kind then now have. The first time was when the heater on the water bed died, next was when the apt flooded. It was nice. We had it in our living room in front of the fireplace.
