Thursday, April 4, 2013

28 weeks.

Hello, third trimester! I have reached that point in my pregnancy where my belly size is assuring enough for complete strangers to be comfortable randomly striking up conversation and asking when my baby is due. The first time this happened was earlier this week while out bowling with our friends Stephanie and Jeff. We were being silly and going by the names Barney and Betty, and Fred and Wilma. This guy walks over from the lane next to ours and asks if those were our real names. He then comes back a couple minutes later and asks me when Pebbles or Bam-Bam was due. Kinda funny. Then again the next day a woman in the bathroom asks me when my baby is due and starts chatting about how she loves being a Grandmother. I know some people are easily offended, but I’m just excited to finally have a noticeable bump.

Another not so fun pregnancy update, I failed my blood glucose screening for gestational diabetes. I took this test seriously and was sure not to eat any sugar all day prior to the test. I was starving. They took my blood, I passed out. They call me on vacation and tell me I missed passing by 6 points. I was a 146 and needed to be a 140. They told me I needed a three hour appointment and more blood drawn. I cried. I seriously felt like a failure, especially considering right beforehand the Doctor was telling me how all my stats have been perfect every time and I was not someone they considered to be at risk. The Doctor calls back again later that same day and says they don’t want me to pass out again (I was 2/2 when they take my blood) and says I can monitor my blood sugar four times a day for the next week. Yes! I felt so much better about this option. Lucky for me, my husband is actually diabetic and I don’t have to worry about where I’m going to pick up a prescription while on vacation for a week. So, Glenn lets me use his glucose monitor and pricks my finger every time. You see, this is truly very kind, because it hurts every time, and I don’t think I could bring myself to prick myself over and over. Especially when I decide not to bleed in that finger, and it winds up taking four tries! I want this to be an accurate portrayal of what my eating habits are normally like, so I still eat cereal, ice cream, juice, and all sorts of yummy sugar and you know what, my result were freakishly normal, if not low every time. I would hover around the 80’s and went into the low 100’s twice. How I failed that freaking test is beyond me?! In a way I appreciate this experience. I was able to bond with my husband in a way I never thought possible, and share in just a tiny bit of his pain.

In other baby news, I am starting to feel a little better about baby preparations. Glenn and I were at Target this week and just had to peruse the clearance section for baby girl. After finding a few cute items on clearance, we are suckered into all the really cute clothes nearby and wind up allowing ourselves full price splurges as well. We literally have to ban ourselves from going ‘clearance shopping’ again, we have no will power! Baby girl’s Mom and Dad have also been getting their DIY on all week (blog post coming soon) refinishing a dresser for all the new pink clothes. My parents, already smitten with their first grandbaby have found themselves enjoying buying clothes, books, and the fancy shmancy baby stroller we wanted as well. Glenn’s parents, excited for grandbaby #14 bought us our crib and mattress. I am incredibly grateful for the loving and generous parents we both have! We value their happiness and support and excitement so much! The overwhelming list of what babies need is crazy, but I’m feeling good about what we have done so far.  

I think I have hit all the interesting baby update highlights. I could talk about how I have pregnancy acid reflux, pee just about every hour (or if I’m lucky three times in the same hour), and how my boobs leak, but really who wants all those details. Rather, I’ll leave you with some six month belly shots instead! I hit my six month mark while vacationing in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and of course had to take advantage of the gorgeous backdrop with a baby bump photo shoot!

Currituck Lighthouse, Outer Banks.

Balancing skills.

This was thee perfect log! It had a nice comfortable arch for my back! And I think laying down like this really showcases this baby!

1 comment:

  1. Love that last picture Abbie! You are a beautiful Mom to be!
