Monday, February 11, 2013

Have you seen my green bell pepper?

I am in my 20th week of pregnancy! I am so happy to be at the half way point. It is crazy how fast I got here, and how our baby girl will be here so soon. Other than my urge to pee every hour, I have truly been blessed with the best pregnancy I could ask for. In other pregnancy news, over the past few weeks I have started suffering from a ridiculous case of pregnancy brain. I have read that this is fairly common because pregnancy shuffles what gets your attention. Between surging hormone levels, new priorities, and baby constantly on my mind its normal that memory may suffer a bit. I just feel really silly sometimes for forgetting the simplest things. Here is a glimpse into my forgetful mind lately:

I was at Cheesecake Factory for a surprise birthday party the other night and someone asked me how old I was. Simple question, right? I didn’t know! I had to stop and think about it, try and do the math, and then still wasn’t sure of my answer and had to double check with Glenn when he picked me up.

I was taking a shower and seriously couldn’t remember whether or not I had already washed my hair. Normally this is the first thing I do in the shower, and I washed my hair maybe for the second time, maybe first time, I really didn’t know.

This past Saturday Glenn and I decided we needed to wash our car. He asked me to run upstairs and grab some rags and towels. I go upstairs, come back empty handed. Run up a second time, come back with towels. Sparing me a third trip up the stairs, Glenn finally goes and gets rags to wash the car himself. Since I clearly never remembered what I was doing up there.

Where is my green bell pepper?! This is the pregnancy brain moment that has bothered me the most. I know we bought a green bell pepper. I use them all the time, so even if I don’t have a current plan for how I’m using it, we buy it anyway. I was making crab cakes to bring to a Mardi Gras party, went to start chopping my green bell pepper, and it’s gone! I have no recall of using my green bell pepper, and yet it’s nowhere to be found. I’m still going nuts over my ‘missing’ pepper, and continue trying to figure out when and what I cooked with my green bell pepper. If you see it please let me know ;-)

Just cause I like us.

20 weeks, 3 days.


  1. I literally laughed at loud a bit. funny babe!

  2. I have two bell peppers at my house!

  3. You are a riot! I'm afraid the memory loss doesn't ever fully fade after you have the baby...And even worse, once she's mobile your bell peppers could end up anywhere :)
    P.S. You're adorable preggers!

  4. Thanks for a little entertainment n my crazy life.
