Friday, June 21, 2013

39 weeks and my thoughts on pregnancy.

I am more and more in love with my enormously perfect pregnant belly every day. I’m at the point where every morning I wake up and feel like I can see the difference from the day prior. I don’t know how she hasn’t run out of room yet? This pregnancy has made me feel very womanly, like that Shania Twain song, ‘Man I feel like a Woman’. I am in awe of the way my body took to this pregnancy so naturally. I was able to walk a 5K at 37 ½ weeks pregnant! Your belly is quite the attraction when you’re that huge and I received so many comments: God bless you, oh wows, and just general looks of she is crazy. I finished in 57 minutes which is terrible, but I was so proud of myself for trying at all. I was able to really enjoy this experience with minimal discomfort and feel beautiful throughout. I never really broke down until about 8 months pregnant when I had to get dressed three times for church because nothing was fitting right. I realize now it’s crazy but I actually had to be reminded that my normal clothes aren’t supposed to fit right now. Honestly, for being six days away from my due date I feel so good. Too good actually! I walked almost three miles yesterday and wasn’t sore or tired in the slightest, just slow. Seriously? Not gonna lie, I feel like a pregnant Superwoman! 

I am a little, ok extremely impatient about what day she is coming. First thing in the mornings Glenn says Happy Birthday to our little girl. She is not listening. I’m having trouble distracting myself with ways to stay busy so I don’t think constantly about going into labor. Her clothes are all clean, hospital bags are packed, car-seat is installed, up to date baby bump pictures taken, and I’m walking everyday trying to convince her to come now. After my last few baby appointments I have had this feeling that baby girl will come early. I was showing lots of progress really early on and even my Doctor’s were saying I was off to an impressive start. I had an ultrasound at 36 ½ weeks that estimated baby girl was 7.2 pounds with her head in the 86th percentile. At that rate we are suspecting a 9 pound baby! At that same appointment I was already dilated to a generous 1-2. At a day shy of 38 weeks I was still an almost 2. Then we took a 5 day, 2,840 mile road trip from North Carolina to California and wham I was 3.5 cm. dilated and 80% effaced at 38 ½ weeks. I am optimistic that making so much progress so easily will help me when I’m actually in labor. Maybe I have more pain tolerance than I thought? I have been having lots of practice contractions lately and they don’t really bother me too much. I’m ready for the real thing! Not because I’m uncomfortable, although I do look pretty ridiculous rolling out of bed. Baby D you can make your debut any time now, I’m ready to kiss and snuggle and hold you in my arms!
36 1/2 weeks. Already smitten.

Pre 5K Abbie, Post 5K Ruth.

Glenn finished in half the time and then came back for me.

21 June 2013.


1 comment:

  1. Whew - glad to see you made it (although a baby girl names Omaha would have been quite fetching!). Let us know when she gets here.

    Linda Rich - and I'll let Janet Blount know all is ok
