Friday, January 27, 2012

2012 you have big shoes to fill.

I love this time of year!! I love just waking up in the morning to a new day, and the start of a new year is the ultimate fresh start. I think it’s important to reevaluate the last year of my life and see how I can improve the next year. Without further a due my resolutions are…

2012 Resolutions
1.   Be more consistent and timely with my blogging. (Like how I’m a month late posting my resolutions, LOL.)
2.   Do something that terrifies me! I have always been kind of a timid person and for once I want to break out of my shell and be crazy spontaneous.
3.   Have a more balanced diet. Glenn should like this one, he is always critiquing my eating habits. I tend to eat like a 5 year old, lots of chocolate milk and fruit snacks. I blame my mother, she used to feed us ice cream sandwiches for breakfast.
4.   Be more appreciative about all the blessings in my life!
5.   And the #1 cliché resolution – exercise! It’s really true though, I have kind of sat on my behind ever since my wedding. I blame not having a gym membership anymore, but my mom is constantly encouraging me to just go pound some pavement. Maybe I should listen?

2011 you were a success!! It’s going to be hard to top the year I married my love for time and all eternity! The year I traveled all over the country, journeying from California all the way to New Jersey, and then New York, and all the states in between, even venturing all the way up to Maine. My first ever cruise! I fell in love with the glaciers and majestic beauty of Alaska, and Canada for a day! 2011 was filled with many laughs, smiles, tears, and lots of firsts. I feel like I officially view myself as an adult now. Living on our own, moving twice, having to worry about finances, cooking dinner for my Husband, sucking it up and working retail, and having to make new friends are all reminders that 2011 was filled with changes, challenges, and choices that I made. 2012 you have some big shoes to fill!


  1. Those are some great ideas! I think I'm going to add some of those to my goals for this year too!

  2. You are more than welcome to steal any of these goals! Good luck!

  3. You were taught how to eat well, in addition to eating the really good yummy stuff!
